What is the profession of screenwriting in the film and TV industry and is it important? The profession of screenwriting has been around for decades even since the 1900s and if you want to count screenplays too such as Shakespeare then it has been around way before films were invented. However, I'm going to be focusing on the filming aspect of screenwriting and how it’s been used in Media from the start of films to the present day and if screenwriting is as important as people may believe it to be. The role of screenwriting itself is silent and now a days most people don't actually notice as they're more captived by the CGI affects and the performance of the actors etc. A quote that I think portrays this perfectly “Screenwriting is the most prized of all the cinematic arts. actually, it isn’t, but it should be.” by Hugh Laurie. This is because most Films and TV shows wouldn't be possible without the screenwriter, you may wonder why this is, well it’s because the job of ...