I confirm that the attached portfolio is all of my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone but myself. Gunn's 12 Types of Advertising 1. The Demo (A visual demonstration of a products capabilities) One of James Gunn's first ever formats (the demo) is the visual demonstration of a products potential. There are various different demonstration adverts on night time tv. For example they may show a bottle opener advert were the seller will demonstrate how the the bottle opener works and how to use it. This would be known as a straight up demo were the seller shows all of the products main key features. But this is not the only type of Demo advertisement, there are also other ones that will show a product in action for example a car and say things such as (look how smoothly this car runs). 2. Show the need of problem (and then the remedy of the solution: The product being sold) The next format is to show the solution to the consumers problem. You do this by showi...