Joyride Structure Story
ACT ONE SET UP Describe the set up At the begin of the short film the main character is seen checking out a broken telephone pole shooting sparks out of it. After he is done assessing the telephone poles damage he starts to drive back home. On his way home the main character sees a body in the middle of the road and goes to inspect it. When the main character goes to inspect the body the body rolls over to show that the man is alive meanwhile a man comes up behind the main character and knocks him out with an axe. ACT TWO CONFRONTATION Where ACT 2 starts When the main character goes to inspect the body the body rolls over to show that the man is alive meanwhile a man comes up behind the main character and knocks him out with an axe. When the main character wakes up he finds himself bound in a car trunk he then try's to escape by kicking out one of the tail lights causing the police to see and pull over the kidnappers. when the police pull them over the main character start...