
Showing posts from May, 2021

Final Major Project (FMP)

UAL purposal.pdf I confirm that the attached portfolio is all of my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone but myself. DEVELOPMENT When I started my project I had to go through the development process which meant I had to come up with an idea for my FMP (Final Major Project) and cultivate it. Proposal After coming up with my idea I made a proposal so that I could present my idea professionally to my tutor, my proposal entailed my idea for my project along with the requirements I would need to make my idea a reality. Pitch I also made a pitch to give my tutor a visual yet professional version of my proposal. Treatment I made a treatment for my project idea so that I could see where the story was going to go and what the major events were going to be in it and most importantly to see how it would end. Synopsis I made a synopsis to basically give a short version of the idea and story I had for my project. Script After I had created my proposal, pitch, treatment and syn...