Ofcom codes

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 Today we answered a quiz on Ofcom codes to get a good understanding of the subject .

Ofcom code

1.       1.10

2.      2. Children are people under the age of fifteen years

3.      3. The watershed only applies to television. The watershed is at 2100. Material unsuitable for children should not, in general, be shown before 2100 or after 0530

4.     4. Door stepping is the filming or recording of an interview or attempted interview with someone, or announcing that a call is being filmed or recorded for broadcast purposes, without any prior warning. It does not, however, include vox-pops (sampling the views of random members of the public).

5.       5.This varies, but may include those with learning difficulties, those with mental health problems, the bereaved, and people with brain damage or forms of dementia, people who have been traumatized or who are sick or terminally ill.

6.     6. Surreptitious advertising involves a reference to a product, service or trade mark within a programmer, where such a reference is intended by the broadcaster to serve as advertising and this is not made clear to the audience. Such advertising is likely to be considered intentional if it occurs in return for payment or other valuable consideration to the broadcaster or producer.

7.     7.  a) alcoholic drinks;

b) Foods or drinks high in fat, salt or sugar ("HFSS");

c) Gambling;

d) Infant formula (baby milk), including follow-on formula

e) All medicinal products

f) Cigarette lighters, cigarette papers, or pipes intended for smoking; or

g) Any product, service or trade mark that is not allowed to be advertised on television


8.      8. No payment, promise of payment, or payment in kind, may be made to convicted or confessed criminals whether directly or indirectly for a programme contribution by the criminal (or any other person) relating to his/her crime/s. The only exception is where it is in the public interest.

9.     9.  4.5    Religious programmes on television services or BBC ODPS must not seek recruits. This does not apply to specialist religious television services. Religious programmes on radio services may seek recruits.

10.   10.To ensure that broadcasters avoid unjust or unfair treatment of individuals or organisations in programmes.

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