I confirm that the attached portfolio is all of my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone but myself.
1. What is a screenplay?
A screen play aka written script, is a written insight of a movie that is created before a while before the actual movie is shown. It is also the template for the director and the entire film crew to use whilst creating the production.
2. Who is responsible for the screenplay and who else may they collaborate with?
The important responsibility for the screenplay falls down to the writer who in actual facts works very closely with the director and producers of the movie who they will meet with on quite a lot of occasions to discuss the screenplay.
3. When does the writing process end for the writer?
In actual fact the writing process never truly ends for the writer. This is because during the production the script will go through numerous re-writes and even when it comes to a final script, a script is still never truly complete.
4. What are the 7 original stories?
1. Achilles aka the fatal flaw is about a persons weakness that mostly pushes the story despite tragic events that mat happen to them.
2. Cinderellla aka the unrecognized virtue is a story about love being hated through out but finally being recognized for how beautiful it is in the end.
3. Circe aka the spider and fly is basically a story about someone trying to finish something such as a quest whilst being pursued by someone of something.
4. Faust aka a debt that must be is paid is a story is basically about how there will always be a price for the actions you commit (selling your soul).
5. Orpheus aka the gift taken away or suffering and quest is basically a story about how the hero must undergo some kind of pain to reach there ultimate goal.
6. Romeo and Juliet aka the foe love story is a story where two people meet under very unlikely weird circumstances and must undergo hardships and pain to be together.
7. Tristan aka man loves woman unfortunately is a story about love, betrayal and temptation to which all the characters partake in such activities.
5. The reason why I think the Romeo and Juliet story is the most popular type of story is probably because girls are more into romance and tragic stories where men are more opposed to action and adventure.
6. Five films that come under the same storyline as Romeo and Juliet are
1. Underworld
2. Warm bodies
3. China girl
4. West side story
5. Pocahontas
7. 3 stories that have the same secondary element as Romeo and Juliet are
1. Fast and Furious
2. Lethal Weapon
3. Tall girl
Achilles and Cinderella - Big
Orpheus and Faust - The foreigner