Lockdown Laughs comedy sketch show
I confirm that the attached portfolio is all of my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone but myself.
Lockdown Laughs comedy sketch show
For this task I had to produce three episodes for a comedy sketch show AKA Lockdown Laughs.
My role
My role in all three of the comedy sketch's I made was Director and Script writer.
episode 1: Daniel Cooper, Dylan Pitt, Ethan Brown, Henry Walton, Iona Dixon, Michael Scott-Kaiser
episode 2: Daniel Cooper, Henry Walton
episode 3: Daniel Cooper
Episode 1
For episode one I had chosen to create a sketch that had shown just how crazy lockdown was making everyone and I showed this through the over the top actions the characters were doing for example one scene had someone holding things upside down along with another scene where a character was cooking a shoe.
How it went?
Sadly the first episode was a disaster due to only being used in the opening intro due to lack of footage. In my opinion it could of been better but at least some of it was used.
Here is the link to episode 1
Laugh or you'll Cry - Episode 1 - YouTube
Episode 2
For episode two I had chosen to create a similar sketch but this time its about a man who goes for a walk to get some fresh air and on his walk he sees his friend acting weird and decides to go talk to him. After catching up with his friend he begins to ask him why he is acting strange so his friend starts explaining things. Once his friend has finished explain the man starts to disprove all the points his friend had made for the reason why he was acting strange. After the conversation the two friends part ways to go back home whilst the man has been convinced his friend has been drove crazy by lockdown.
How it went?
Unlike the first episode the second episode was a success due to it being featured as part of the show this time instead of just the intro. In my opinion it went exceptionally well despite one of the actors filming horizontal rather than landscape however it still turned out great and I'm very happy about it.
Here is the link to episode 2
Laugh or you'll Cry - Episode 3 - YouTube
Episode 3
For the final episode I had chose to create something very different to the previous episode so I decide to create a sort of Man vs Wild parody but instead set in Lockdown making it Man vs Lockdown. For this episode I had chosen to show that peter (my re-occurring character) was the last one who hadn't been drove crazy by lockdown and to try to help others stay sane he had decide to make a survival guide on how to survive lockdown.
How it went?
The final episode luckily ended up being a success along with being very funny. In my opinion the final episode ended up really good and I personally find it the funniest out of the three episodes that I did.
Here is the link to episode 3
(2) Laugh or you'll Cry - The End - YouTube