
Showing posts from January, 2022

60 second documentary

TASK 1 For task 1 i was instructed to make a 60 second documentary on something in college. i was allowed to pick a partner so i decided to partnered up with Bailey Gamble to create a sixty second documentary. After watching some 60 second documentaries for inspiration we both decided it would be best to do a documentary on the Charlie and the chocolate factory production that the actors where doing. So we planned how we were going to do it. We were also told to choose an example of documentary style so we chose interview. A interview is a documentary style use to talk to people for information. This will be the style we will do. Plan For the group documentary we decided to documentary on the production of Charlie and the chocolate factory, this means we will be going around asking the actors what its like working on the production as their character as well as asking the director about their job and asking the set designers how long the ...

Music Video

 Starter Task For the starter task I had to pick a music video and write to things I liked and disliked about it, I chose American idiot by green day. Green Day - American Idiot [Official Music Video] - YouTube Likes One thing I like about the video is the lighting and how it fits with rock Another thing I like is how they speed up the band at the fast part of the song  Improvements One thing I would change more camera shots Another thing I would change close up of the band members more What is a music video? A music video is a video that goes with a song, it can be either used for the entertainment of the viewer or it can be used for promotional purposes as a marketing technique. Music video can either follow the song or they can be something entirely different an example of this would be backstreet boys "i want it that way" where the video has absolutely nothing to do with the song or music videos can follow the song for example Katy Perry "roar" in which ...