Music Video
Starter Task
For the starter task I had to pick a music video and write to things I liked and disliked about it, I chose American idiot by green day.
Green Day - American Idiot [Official Music Video] - YouTube
One thing I like about the video is the lighting and how it fits with rock
Another thing
I like is how they speed up the band at the fast part of the song
One thing I
would change more camera shots
Another thing I would change close up of the band members more
What is a music video?
A music video is a video that goes with a song, it can be either used for the entertainment of the viewer or it can be used for promotional purposes as a marketing technique. Music video can either follow the song or they can be something entirely different an example of this would be backstreet boys "i want it that way" where the video has absolutely nothing to do with the song or music videos can follow the song for example Katy Perry "roar" in which the tiger reflects her overcoming her weaknesses.
There are three types of music video Performance, Artistic, Narrative however music videos are not limited to one they can use all three if they wanted to. The characteristics of a performance music video are normally fast pacing along with band members playing instruments. An artistic music video uses characteristics like no singing and no performance just imagery. A narrative music video uses the characteristics of no lip synchronised singing and a story being told in the video.
For this task I had to watch a performance music video twice
Snow Patrol - You're All I Have (Official Video) - YouTube
The setting for this music video appears to be either an abandoned factory or power station and you can tell this through the machinery and overall build of the set. As for abandoned the set looks run down and the lighting is very dark suggesting that no one has been there or a while. The position of the band is very centred with them being the main focus. There a quite a few camera movements that follow the which everyway the band is facing towards. If I am correct I counted 45 shots from the start to 1:30 some showing the band and the others the scenery such as the instruments.
Here is a list of the things i have learnt and understand about music video.
- The three styles performance, artistic and narrative
- How they are presented in the media
- The male gaze
- Voyeurism vs exhibitionism
- The camera work
- Codes and conventions
- Intertextuality connection to media
- The star image
- Censorship
Music videos can vary in complexity and originality. Narrative videos (often grand productions by popular artists) are going to be difficult to shoot."
Exhibitionism: Woman on camera - Duran Duran
voyeurism: Woman like me - Little Mix
Today we presented our pitch for the music video to the whole class. We went through it in detail mentioning all locations, contingency, cast etc.
The song we chose is Lovejoy- Knee Deep at ATP whilst using James Marriot - Him and Lorde - Fallen Fruit as our inspiration. The music video will be a artistic performance style featuring lots of locations and cuts. For location we will be using Hartlepool chemical plant, North Gate beach, Stockton High street, Yarm High street and infinity bridge. The video plan will be Fast pace editing to match the rhythm
Creating the music video meant that we had to share the jobs out to work faster and efficiently. I was tasked with creating a release form then a lyric script. The release form was signed easily enough as Freya was the only actor we needed. The Lyric script took a while as I had to list the timings with the lyrics however I completed it all the same.
Job roles
Lyric script
The music video
The music video turned out quite well in the end. The schedule went well and so did the filming making it feel like a great success. I really enjoyed making this and going to all the locations to film it. Many things went, the only thing that i can think didn't go well was the beach was a busy so we had to film multiple times but that wasn't too much of an issue, I learnt many thing and developed my team and communication skills.